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In a modern gymnasium, a sports teacher gathers her students seated in a circle and gives instructions.
About SIS Group

A Growing, International Network of Bilingual Schools

Our Company

SIS Swiss International School belongs to one of the largest education groups in Europe and benefits from being part of this international network of educational institutions. To ensure we remain one of the best in our field, we are committed to upholding a strong, sustainable business model.

Learn more about our company



Our History

In 1999, we laid the foundations in Switzerland for a success story that has so far taken us from Germany to Brazil and is set to take us even further afield in the future.

Learn more about our history

SIS Educational Concept

What Connects Us:

Our students and their learning needs are at the heart of our efforts. This is put into practice by taking into account the following eight aspects:

  • Bilingual Experience
  • Independent and Value-Centred Approach
  • Day School Community
  • Performance through Diversity
  • International Education – Local Insight
  • Continuity from Kindergarten to College
  • Learning Enhanced by Technology
  • Strong Network


Together, We Empower Change for Sustainable Living

As an educational institution, we are aware of our responsibility when it comes to sustainability. The impact of SIS Swiss International Schools extends beyond just their operational aspects; it also encompasses what and how we teach in SIS schools, ultimately influencing future generations.


Thus, the national companies of SIS Group strategically approach sustainability from two core directions. Firstly, they diligently assess and work to reduce our CO2 emissions with the ultimate goal to become climate neutral. Secondly, within our educational framework, we strive to promote a sustainable mindset that includes social, environmental, cultural, and economic factors.


Commitment to Climate Neutrality in 2029

In 2023, our companies in Switzerland, Germany, and Brazil each developed a tailored strategy for reducing CO2 emissions based on prior emission assessments. Our principle is to avoid CO2 emissions whenever possible, and if avoidance is not feasible, to prioritise reduction measures. As a last step, we will offset the remaining emissions. It is evident that the avoidance and reduction measures will vary across countries, and as a result, our reduction strategies are adapted to local circumstances. Each country has identified and implemented specific initiatives to reduce CO2 footprints, including areas such as food, staff commuting, and heating. In order to be able to measure the progress of our efforts, our companies in Switzerland, Germany and Brazil record their carbon footprint annually and check the effectiveness of the measures introduced. All countries share a common overarching objective: to reduce emissions by at least 25 % in proportion to our student body by 2029.


For the first time in 2029, the remaining CO2 emissions of the previous year will be offset by financing emission reductions elsewhere – in consultation and close management with the Klett Group.


Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

We believe giving students the lead at the school level is key, as the future belongs to them. To that end, each SIS school has created a student sustainability team guided by a lead sustainability teacher. We use an action-learning approach that involves identifying the current situation, exploring alternatives, acting and reflecting on the change. SIS has designated country ambassadors who have written guidelines and provided a sustainability framework for students to work within. They support the schools with resources and arrange sustainability sharing days.


Exciting projects are underway and we are looking forward to seeing the difference we can make to building a more sustainable future.

Sustainability in Switzerland

How Sustainability is Implemented at Our Schools in Switzerland