- Parents
- Good to Know
- Career
- English
We are convinced that the place where students learn has a decisive influence on how they learn. We therefore place great importance on an open school space that provides a welcoming atmosphere to students, staff, parents and guests alike, thus creating a pleasant overall environment. We cultivate multiple signature school events and regularly participate in activities that involve all SIS schools around the globe.
Learning Spaces
SIS Rotkreuz-Zug is located in the Suurstoffi district. Our kindergarten school building is a protected historic building that underwent careful renovation prior to our school’s opening, whilst our state-of-the-art primary school building offers a calm, ordered environment for class instruction that includes a library, a music room and a science lab. Our kindergarten has its own private play area. The primary students are able to play in our dedicated school playground and also benefit from supervised play times in the Suurstoffi play zone.
- activity room
- playground
- break area
- IT room
- laboratory
- cafeteria
- library
- music room
- art room
Our School Traditions and Signature Events
We aim to foster a sense of community in a variety of ways: school assemblies, projects involving different class groups, sports days and the celebration of local and international holidays and traditions.
Annual school traditions at SIS Rotkreuz-Zug are:
Book Week
Easter celebration and visit to old people's home
- Summer festival
- September Welcome Barbecue
- Halloween party
- Samichlaus
SIS International Activities
For our students, we organise numerous activities that promote international exchange. In particular, the SIS Cup and the annual Intercountry Activity provide a shared experience and a glimpse beyond the boundaries of a school.
During the SIS Cup, which spans two days, the focus is on sports, fairness, and fun. Teams from all SIS schools compete against each other in individual and team disciplines, while everyone cheers, plays, sweats, and laughs.
In addition to sports, we also connect our learners through the annual Intercountry Activity. In previous years, we have organised international math days, a gift exchange, a storytelling exchange, a photo campaign, an IT activity using Ozobots and a digital exhibition with sustainable art. Click here for the exhibition of artworks.
Furthermore, we recognise the three best written theses by SIS graduates with the SIS Best Essay Award. These written works are produced as part of the final examination for national university entrance qualifications or the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma.
We will continue to develop exciting formats. Join us and be a part of it!
Extracurricular Activities
For a Varied School Day
Extracurricular Activities
For a Varied School Day
As a school, we are committed to doing everything we can to support children as they grow up and to provide a valuable complement to their family life. This includes offers such as lunch, homework supervision, before- and after-school care, flexible drop-off and pickup times, and exciting activities, even during school holidays.