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Drei Mädchen stehen nahe beieinander vor der Kletterwand der Schule.

Bilingual Day School in a Diverse Learning Environment

About SIS Schönenwerd

A Small and Personal School for Local and International Families

Situated between Aarau and Olten, SIS Schönenwerd’s bilingual kindergarten and primary school offers a diverse learning environment. On the former production site of the internationally renowned leather manufacturer Bally, we now educate children to become open-minded, committed and articulate citizens of the world.

Enrolled Students

Academic Offer

The video presents SIS Schönenwerd. Enjoy watching it!

SIS Educational Concept

Our Students and Their Learning Needs Are at the Heart of Our Efforts

  • Bilingual Experience
  • Independent and Value-Centred Approach
  • Day School Community
  • Performance through Diversity
  • International Education – Local Insight
  • Continuity from Kindergarten to College
  • Learning Enhanced by Technology
  • Strong Network


Education Is a Valuable Resource, Which Is Why We Value Transparency


Education Is a Valuable Resource, Which Is Why We Value Transparency

SIS Swiss International School is a private educational institution that is financed solely from school fees and does not receive subsidies from the Swiss national or cantonal governments. We offer high-quality education as a service – and we are committed to offering this service in a transparent way.  


Learn more about the school fees

Two primary school girls sit at the desk in class and write something.

Extracurricular Activities

For a Varied School Day

Extracurricular Activities

For a Varied School Day

As a school, we are committed to doing everything we can to support children as they grow up and to provide a valuable complement to their family life. This includes offers such as lunch, homework supervision, before- and after-school care, flexible drop-off and pickup times, a school bus and exciting activities, even during school holidays.


Learn more about our extracurricular activities

A boy sits at the desk and writes.

Language acquisition that begins early, is carefully guided by experts and happens in a natural environment, leads to lifelong competence.

A kindergarten girl is sitting at the table, the teacher can be seen next to her. They are discussing something.

The children are supervised by one German- and one English-speaking teacher, who use their native languages to communicate with their students.

A girl and two boys sit on the floor and learn by playing a game with a dice.

In our lessons, we use different learning styles supported by state-of-the-art infrastructure.

Two older primary school girls sit at the table and work together on a task.

By attending our primary school, children are ideally prepared for the transition into the SIS bilingual college.

Girls get off the school bus laughing and run to the school entrance.

With our school bus service, our students are always safe, protected and timely at school.

Two boys are playing table football in the large playground.

The large playground in the courtyard offers our students many different opportunities to play, climb, let off steam and relax.

School building and entrance of SIS Schönenwerd

The school building is located centrally between Aarau and Olten and it is easily accessible by public transport.

Student Life

SIS is not just a place of learning, it is also a place where children can spend time together, make new friends, and pass the time in a pleasant environment.

Upcoming Events

07 May 2025

SIS Schönenwerd: Open House. Come by and visit!
Start: 08:30
End: 12:00

Stories from SIS Schönenwerd


"Calli war nach dem ersten Tag schon begeistert und wurde mit offenen Armen empfangen. Er ging immer voller Freude in die Schule und schloss sehr gut in der 6. Klasse ab. Seine kleine Schwester Tilli ist nun in der 3. Klasse, spricht sehr gut Englisch (mit einem süssen amerikanischen Akzent, den sie wohl von ihrem Lehrer abgeguckt hat) und liebt Französisch! Beide Kinder waren und sind hier sehr gut behütet. Calli kommt, obwohl er schon in der 8. Klasse ist, immer gerne zu Besuch!"

Dory Czech, Mutter

"Very warm and professional welcome from the very first day across the entire SIS team. Great learning environment with plenty of opportunities for the kids to explore and develop. Our son loves going to SIS every single day and we do not want to miss the excitement anymore."

M. and S. Leitner, parents

"We have been extremely happy with the school and the education our children have received. The school is well run and the education structured and delivered in a caring, intelligent way. Our children, though different, both really enjoy school and are happy. The day structure has allowed us both to work while ensuring our children were well supported in their learning in both languages in a holistic environment."

Family Halsegger

"Uns ist das beste passiert, was Eltern passieren kann: Unsere Kinder sind gerne zur Schule gegangen! Der Grund ist sehr klar. Wir hatten jederzeit engagierte Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, die sich mit viel Herzblut für die Kinder eingesetzt haben. Das (Lern-) Umfeld stimmt."

Volker Probst, Vater

"What we love about our teachers is that they captivate children’s passion and curiosity. They are very child-centric, and proactively keep the parents in the loop as needed. As a working mom, I feel I am a full partner in our children’s learning and I extremely appreciate the time staff take to keep us in the loop of what is going, way before we ask for it. "

Idil Wittmann-Abubakar, mother

"We appreciate that our son loves to go to school, he learns and grows in a very caring and inclusive environment. As parents, it is important for us to have open discussions with the teachers about the progress of our son and this is exactly what we get. We also love to read the weekly summary of the teachers about everything the kids did and learnt!"

Tünde Lukacs, father

"The teachers are extremely attentive and caring to the children to help them navigate through the new environment and experiences. They learn through play and songs which makes school so much more fun for the kids. Our son has benefited from this and has developed tremendously socially and in learning in the first 1.5 years at the school. We are so happy that we have also registered our little daughter to join the school next year."

Family Weithäuser

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