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emphaSIS 2023: SIS recommends

What Is Your Favourite Dish?

Célia, Student at SIS Zürich-Wollishofen

Veggie Burger

One of SIS Zürich-Wollishofen’s most appetizing and popular dish is our school veggie burger.


The burger contains tomatoes, lettuce, vegetarian meat and a hamburger bun cut in half. Every single time that we get this treat as a lunch, everybody goes crazy. It is one of the best meals. The taste of the vegetarian meat is what makes this meal so astonishing.


It is incredibly special because we only get it once a month and it is delicious. The bun is the softest part, so it is easy for the kids to bite into the glory. One time we had it, everybody ate it all and there was nothing left in the “rest bin”, and everybody wanted more. The burger itself is about 15 cm in diameter. 


The lunch ladies normally give us some delicious French fries to enjoy as well. Normally, they give us some ketchup or mayonnaise for the kids that like it with their burger.



  • 1 hamburger bun, cut in half
  • 1 nicely cut piece of vegetarian meat 
  • some lettuce and tomatoes if wanted
  • ketchup or mayonnaise on the side (optional)


  1. Cut the hamburger bun in half.
  2. Fry the vegetarian meat in a pan on the stove. Make sure to flip it over a few times so that it doesn’t burn on the outside.
  3. Wash and cut slices of lettuce and tomatoes and put them in a bowl, for the kids to choose from for their burgers.
  4. Make sure to have some ketchup or mayonnaise on the side as an option. 
  5. Take the vegetarian meat off the stove and put it on the hamburger bun. Add the desired extras and put the other half of the bun on top.
  6. You finished making your delicious burger, well done. Now take a glorious bite and enjoy it!

Eva and her Daughter Lina, Mother at SIS Männedorf-Zürich

Mushroom Pasta

Growing up in Finland, surrounded by great forests, it’s a natural thing for the young and old to go berry and mushroom picking in the summer and autumn months. Dressed in rubber boots, with a scarf to protect the hair and a basket in hand, they head out into the forest to forage nature’s superfoods. When I was little, I used to go mushroom picking with my family, a tradition I now try to pass on to my own children.


There is almost something meditative about walking in the forest, eyes glued to the ground, looking, searching. Oh, the loud cheers when you finally find those wild blueberries, lingonberries, or the golden chanterelles! 


Mushrooms are also not only a joy to pick, they are also super tasty and healthy, as they contain important vitamins, protein and fiber. Having a pack of dried mushrooms in your cupboard is a lifesaver when you need to whip up a quick lunch or dinner. Here is a super easy recipe and most of the ingredients you probably already have in your cupboard.


Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 20g dried mushrooms 
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic
  • 250-300g pasta
  • salt
  • 1,5 tablespoons pasta cooking water
  • 50g butter
  • fresh thyme
  • black pepper
  • olive oil
  • Parmesan cheese


  1. Soak the mushrooms in water. After about 30 to 45 minutes, drain the water and squeeze out the excess liquid. Chop into smaller pieces if desired. Peel and finely chop the garlic.
  2. Bring the salted pasta water to boil and at the same time start preparing the sauce. Heat a frying pan over medium heat and add the mushrooms. Toss the mushrooms in the pan until all the liquid has evaporated. Then add the butter and garlic and simmer over medium heat for about five minutes.
  3. Add the pasta to the boiling water and cook until al dente.
  4. Once the pasta is ready, drain the water, but save 1,5 tablespoons of the water for the sauce.
  5. Season the sauce with thyme, black pepper and salt. Pour a generous drizzle of olive oil, the cooking water and the mushroom sauce over the pasta. Mix everything together.
  6. Sprinkle some grated Parmesan on top and enjoy!

Nathalie Deiss, Lehrerin an der SIS Schönenwerd


Es gibt für mich nichts Besseres, als ein leckeres Sesambrötchen mit einem gutgewürzten Stück Fleisch, knackigem Salat und einer passenden Sauce dazu. Eine Scheibe (vielleicht sogar zwei) geschmolzener Käse ist dann noch das bekannte «Tüpfchen auf dem i». Der erste Biss: Die Sauce läuft über die Finger, die Geschmacksknospen explodieren! Man befindet sich im Cheeseburger-Himmel. Der zweite Biss: Oh, da hat sich noch eine rohe Zwiebel versteckt, es schmeckt nochmal ganz anders als beim ersten Biss – eine neue Kombination verschiedener Zutaten.


Und plötzlich ist der schöne Moment vorbei, der Teller leer, die Finger klebrig. Aber der nächste schöne Moment ist im Anmarsch: Das Gefühl, satt zu sein und die Dankbarkeit, dass es ab und zu so leckeres Essen für meine Geschmacksknospen gibt.



  1. Heize den Ofen auf 150° vor.
  2. Brate das Burgerfleisch an.
  3. Bestreiche die Brötchen mit ein wenig Butter und erwärme sie für drei Minuten im Ofen.
  4. Belege das gebratene Fleisch mit Käse und lege das Ganze auf die Brötchen.
  5. Gib den Burger nochmals einige Minuten in den Ofen bis der Käse geschmolzen ist.
  6. Nimm den Burger raus und lege noch Zwiebeln und/oder Salat darauf.
  7. Wähle eine Sauce und bestreiche die Brötchen damit.
  8. Fertig ist dein Burger! Guten Appetit! 

Have fun cooking!